What is free education in Sri Lanka?

Free education in Sri Lanka refers to a system of government-funded education that is provided at little to no cost to the students. This policy of free education has been a significant aspect of Sri Lanka's education system for several decades and is enshrined in the country's constitution. Here are some key features of free education in Sri Lanka

What is free education in Sri Lanka?

Compulsory Education

Education is compulsory for children in Sri Lanka from ages 5 to 16.

State-Funded Schools

The majority of schools in Sri Lanka are government-funded, and students can attend these schools without paying tuition fees. This includes primary and secondary schools.

Government Universities

Higher education at state universities in Sri Lanka is also heavily subsidized by the government. While there may be minimal registration fees, tuition fees at public universities are significantly lower than those in many other countries.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

The government of Sri Lanka offers various scholarships and financial assistance programs to support students in pursuing higher education, particularly at the university level. These programs help cover living expenses, textbooks, and other educational costs.

Equal Access

The principle of free education is intended to provide equal educational opportunities to all citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds.

Quality of Education

While education is free at state-funded institutions, the quality of education can vary between schools and universities. Some institutions may have more resources and experienced faculty, leading to better educational outcomes.

Private Education

Sri Lanka also has private schools and universities that charge tuition fees. These institutions offer an alternative for those who are willing to pay for a different educational experience.

It's important to note that while education itself is generally free in government-funded institutions, there may still be some costs associated with uniforms, books, and other school-related expenses. Additionally, private tutoring and extracurricular activities might incur additional fees.

Free education in Sri Lanka has played a crucial role in increasing literacy rates and expanding access to education across the country. It has helped produce a highly educated population and has been a significant factor in the development of the nation's human capital.


Free education in Sri Lanka refers to a policy where the government provides education at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels without direct charges or fees to the students. This policy has been a cornerstone of Sri Lanka's education system and is aimed at ensuring widespread access to education, reducing barriers to learning, and promoting social equity. Here are key aspects of free education in Sri Lanka:

1. Primary and Secondary Education
Education at the primary and secondary levels is provided free of charge in government schools.
This includes tuition, textbooks, and examination fees, allowing students to access education without financial barriers.

2. Free School Supplies
In addition to free tuition, the government often provides free school supplies such as textbooks, notebooks, and other educational materials to students.

3. School Uniforms
In some cases, students receive assistance for school uniforms, ensuring that the cost of uniforms does not become a hindrance to attending school.

4. Government Schools
Government schools, also known as state schools, are the primary institutions that implement the free education policy.
Private schools may charge fees, but the majority of students attend government schools.

5. Teacher Salaries and Facilities
Teacher salaries and school facilities in government schools are funded by the government, further contributing to the concept of free education.

6. Primary Education Assistance
The government may provide financial assistance and scholarships to students at various levels, including the Grade 5 Scholarship Examination, to support their education.

7. Tertiary Education Subsidies
While tertiary education in Sri Lanka is not entirely free, the government subsidizes the costs of higher education in state universities. Students pay lower tuition fees compared to the actual cost of education.

8. University Admission Based on Merit
University admissions are typically based on merit, with eligibility determined by performance in the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination (A/L).

9. Challenges and Considerations
While the policy of free education has contributed to high literacy rates and increased access to education, challenges may include disparities in resource distribution, overcrowded classrooms, and the need for ongoing improvements in the quality of education.

10. Role in Social Mobility
Free education in Sri Lanka is viewed as a key driver of social mobility, providing opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds to pursue academic and professional success.

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