Hangeul, the Korean alphabet | Self studying hangul the korean alphabet free


Korean alphabet

한글 Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet I

1. 모음과 자음 Vowels and consonants

ᄀ ᄂ ᄃ ᄅ ᄆ ᄇ ᄉ ᄋ ᄌ ᄒ
ᄏ ᄐ ᄑ ᄎ
ᄁ ᄄ ᄈ ᄊ ᄍ

ᅡ ᅥ ᅩ ᅮ ᅳ ᅵ ᅦ ᅢ ᅬ ᅱ
ᅣ ᅧ ᅭ ᅲ ᅴ ᅨ ᅤ
ᅪ ᅯ ᅰ ᅫ

한국어의 음절 구성 Korean syllables

한국어의 음절은 네 가지 방식으로 이루어집니다. Korean syllables are made in 4 different manners.

(1) 모음 (vowel) (예 ex.) 아, 오

(2) 자음 + 모음 (consonant + vowel) (예 ex.) 나, 코

(3) 모음 + 자음 (vowel + consonant) (예 ex.) 안, 운

(4) 자음 + 모음 + 자음 (consonant + vowel + consonant) (예 ex.) 강, 곰

모음 앞에 붙은 초성의 ‘ᄋ’은 음가가 없습니다. 또한 음절을 구성할 때는 수직으로 구성하는 방식과
수평으로 구성하는 방식이 있습니다.

O before a vowel has no sound value. A syllable is composed in the vertical or horizontal order.

‘ᅡ, ᅣ, ᅥ, ᅧ, ᅵ, ᅢ, ᅤ, ᅦ, ᅨ’의 모음은 왼쪽에 자음이 위치하고, ‘ᅩ, ᅭ, ᅮ, ᅲ, ᅳ’는 모음 위쪽에
자음이 위치합니다.

ᅡ, ᅣ, ᅥ, ᅧ, ᅵ, ᅢ, ᅤ, ᅦ, ᅨ occur on the right side of a consonant whereas ᅩ, ᅭ, ᅮ, ᅲ, ᅳ occur under the consonant.

(예 ex.) 아 고 안 강 곰


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Self-studying Hangeul, the Korean alphabet, is a great starting point for learning the Korean language. Hangeul is relatively simple and can be learned quickly. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you self-study Hangeul effectively

Understand Hangeul's Structure

  • Hangeul consists of 14 basic consonants and 10 basic vowels. These can be combined to form syllables.

Learn the Basic Consonants

  • Start by learning the 14 basic consonants and their corresponding sounds. Familiarize yourself with their shapes and pronunciations. Here are some examples:
  • ㄱ (g), ㄴ (n), ㄷ (d), ㄹ (l/r), ㅁ (m), ㅂ (b), ㅅ (s), ㅇ (ng), ㅈ (j), ㅊ (ch), ㅋ (k), ㅌ (t), ㅍ (p), ㅎ (h)

Learn the Basic Vowels

  • Familiarize yourself with the 10 basic vowels and their sounds. Practice writing and pronouncing them. Here are some examples:
  • ㅏ (a), ㅑ (ya), ㅓ (eo), ㅕ (yeo), ㅗ (o), ㅛ (yo), ㅜ (u), ㅠ (yu), ㅡ (eu), ㅣ (i)

Study Combined Sounds

  • Consonants and vowels can be combined to form syllables. Study how these combinations work. For example, "가" (ga) is formed by combining "ㄱ" (g) and "ㅏ" (a).

Practice Writing

  • Use graph paper or printable Hangeul practice sheets to practice writing each character. Pay attention to stroke order and proportion.

Use Online Resources

  • There are many online resources and mobile apps designed to help you learn Hangeul. Websites like "Talk to Me in Korean" and "How to Study Korean" provide free lessons and materials for self-learners.

Flashcards and Mnemonics

  • Create flashcards with the characters on one side and their sounds on the other. You can also use mnemonic techniques to help remember the shapes and sounds.

Listening and Pronunciation

  • Listen to native speakers pronouncing Hangeul characters and words. Pay close attention to pronunciation and intonation.

Use Multimedia

  • Watch YouTube videos or use language learning apps that provide interactive lessons and quizzes for Hangeul.

Practice Regularly

  • Dedicate a little time each day to practice Hangeul. Consistent practice is essential for retention.

Check Your Progress

  • Test your knowledge by reading simple Korean texts, such as labels, signs, or basic phrases. This will help you apply what you've learned.

Seek Feedback and Help

  • If possible, interact with native speakers or other learners who can provide feedback on your pronunciation and writing.

Cultural Learning

  • Learn about Korean culture and customs, as cultural context can enhance your understanding of the language.

Stay Motivated

  • Learning a new writing system can be exciting, but it's essential to stay motivated. Set achievable goals and celebrate your progress.

Expand Your Knowledge

  • Once you are comfortable with Hangeul, you can move on to learning basic Korean vocabulary, grammar, and phrases.

Learning Hangeul is an excellent first step in your journey to learn the Korean language. It can make it easier to access Korean resources and materials for further language study. Take your time, enjoy the process, and keep practicing to become proficient in reading and writing in Hangeul.



The Korean alphabet is called Hangul (한글), and it was created during the 15th century by King Sejong the Great and his scholars. Hangul is known for its unique design and phonetic nature, making it relatively easy to learn compared to some other writing systems. Here's an overview of the Korean alphabet

1. Consonants

  • Hangul has 14 basic consonants.
  • Each consonant is represented by a basic symbol, which reflects the shape of the speech organs when pronouncing the sound.

2. Vowels

  • There are 10 basic vowels.
  • Vowels are written horizontally or vertically to the right of the initial consonant or below it.

3. Compound Characters

  • Most Korean characters are created by combining consonants and vowels.
  • There are rules for stacking characters to form syllables.

4. Double Consonants and Vowels

  • There are double consonants and vowels, which are written by doubling the basic symbols.
  • They represent stronger or lengthened sounds.

5. Pronunciation

  • Hangul is a phonetic script, and its pronunciation is quite straightforward.
  • Each character corresponds to a distinct sound, and the script is written syllabically.

6. Writing Direction

  • Traditionally, Korean was written vertically from top to bottom and right to left.
  • In modern times, it is usually written horizontally from left to right.

Learning Hangul is an essential step for those who want to understand and communicate in the Korean language. Its simplicity and logical design make it accessible to learners, and it serves as the foundation for reading and writing in Korean.


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